Some of my favorite moments have been in a car, finally realizing a lyric completely.


This the real world, homie, school finished.

They done stole your dreams, you dunno’ who did it.

Kanye West, Gorgeous

Napkin note:
Frustration is cumulative. Sometimes, the most devastating part of feeling beaten down is not being able to ID any one thing that makes your feelings make sense.

More Life 1.jpg

“Winnin' is problematic. People like you more when you’re workin' towards somethin'
Not when you have it.”

- Drake, Lose You

Napkin note:
People want their favorites to succeed, but rooting gets less satisfying once there’s nothing for them to overcome. (Game of Thrones isn’t as exciting if the big chair gets secured in Season 2.)


“Seems like I point a finger just to make a point nowadays.”

- Kendrick Lamar, PRIDE.

Napkin note:
Prideful behavior isn’t usually about inflicting damage so much as displacing a sting you think you don’t deserve.


“First time I done saw you… You text nothing like you look.”

- Frank Ocean, Good Guy

Napkin note:
Most people’s writing is doused in the kind of person they are - from word choices to references to emojis used or unused. Maybe the best compliment a copywriter (or a planner) could get is to be able to write nothing like they look.


“I tried to run it away. Thought then my head be feeling clearer. I traveled 70 states. Thought moving ‘round make me feel better.”

- Solange, Cranes in the Sky

Napkin note:
Pain travels well.